relationship counselling

Relationship Counselling: what you need to know about it

Javeria Shahid 3 years ago 5

A Quick Guide

If you are going through some relationship issues, it can feel like your problems are never gonna end. Or there is no way out of your situation. Or you and your partner can simply never agree on one thing. While you may feel that way in your frustration. You can always turn to relationship counselling because that can actually help you mend your ties with your partner. 

What is Relationship Counselling?

Relationship counselling also known as couples therapy or couples counselling is a form of psychotherapy that helps strengthen and resolve conflict in your intimate relationships. As a couple, you explore problems in your relationship, focus on effective communication, improve your relations and ultimately resolve conflict. It can prove to be beneficial at any stage of a relationship.

Online Counselling

There is an option of Online Counselling. If you or your partner are uncomfortable with the idea of regular face-to-face sessions or you have a tight schedule. Or you or your partner live in different locations and have a long-distance relationship. Or if face-to-face sessions can cause you or your partner anxiety. This might just be a better option for you. 

Online relationship counselling services have different ways to interact with their clients. For instance, Online chats, phone calls, or video sessions are done. Through these, you and your partner can talk to the therapist and work on creating goals that you want to achieve with therapy.

Why you should get counselling?

The mainstream idea for counselling is that it is only for people who are either on the verge of separating or getting divorced. But that is not the case. In fact, any regular couple can also benefit from counselling. If you are facing any issues then you should address them so they don’t get worse. You may just benefit from a consultation if you are facing a few of the following problems: 

  • You have experienced a stressful event that has disrupted your daily life.
  • Dealing with infidelity
  • You have difficulty communicating your emotions to one another.
  • There are at least one or more unsolvable conflicts.
  • Dealing with substance abuse or addiction.
  • You face difficulty in making your decisions together.
  • Dealing with issues due to child-rearing.
  • You feel criticism or disdain in your relations.
  • Dealing with issues such as all forms of physical or emotional abuse.

Watch: [What We Might Learn in Couples Therapy]

Premarital Counselling

This form of counselling is for couples who are about to commit to a long-term relationship. It helps couples in developing a strong and healthy relationship before marriage. It also helps in identifying any potential problems you or your partner may have. 

During premarital counselling, you and your partner can discuss and work on the following:

  • Effective communication
  • Family relationships
  • Parenting choices or styles
  • Finances
  • Responsibilities
  • Values and Beliefs
  • Sex and affection

Tips for counselling

You can reap the most benefit out of counselling as long as you are willing to get it. There are some other tips you can take into account so that your relationship counselling is more effective.

  • Be honest
  • Put in the time
  • Listen to your partner
  • Be ready to face discomfort

You are honestly going to have to do the work. You will have to put in the effort which in turn will help you strengthen your relationship. 

If it so happens that your partner is not willing for counselling. In that case, you cannot force them to take sessions with you. And they cannot be forced to put in the time or do the work. So it’s better that you focus on yourself and work on your individual issues. 

We hope this article provided you with an adequate understanding of relationship counselling. 

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