women using text abbreviations to chat

Is excessive use of text abbreviations effecting your communication skills?

Read about the impact of using text abbreviations on your communication skills.

Armah 4 years ago 13

A Quick Guide

Texting has become a popular communication method for young people, but the use of text abbreviations is negatively impacting communication skills. Educators and linguists are concerned about the decline in spelling accuracy and formal writing skills. To mitigate these effects, students can practice mindful texting, review their work for errors, use grammar check tools, explore alternative modes of communication, and consider taking a formal writing class to improve their overall communication skills.


Do you excessively use text abbreviations? Consider the following scenario and see if you can relate to it:

Sara got admitted to university recently. She made friends in no time and exchanged numbers. Throughout the day, she stays in contact with them through text. To keep their communication fast, she uses text abbreviations and often uses shorthand e.g. IDK=I don’t know, LOL=Laughing out loud, TBH=To be honest, etc. In class, she takes notes in abbreviated form to record everything faster. Sometimes, unconsciously she even says LOL to react to something funny. One day, she got an English assignment. She worked hard on it and submitted it online. But the teacher had marked it all red when she got it back. In her entire paper, she used abbreviations and shortened spellings. Her English teacher was disappointed in her. Sara felt dejected and didn’t know what to do.’

Like Sara, many youngsters today rely on text messages as a universal means of communication. Texting using apps like messenger, facetime, WhatsApp, etc. is a short, quick, and easy way to communicate. This explains why the youth of today relies on it so much. It helps to maintain the connection with our loved ones. And, texting is also quicker, hassle-free, and gets the job done equally well compared to video calls or audio calls. One college student, explains his preference for texting as follows:

”It’s not that I don’t like to talk on the phone. Sometimes I just want to see what’s going on, as opposed to having a conversation. So it is easier to send a text” (cited in Steinhauer & Holson, 2008, p. A17).

Text abbreviations: the new norm

To make texting more efficient, the younger generation has developed a system of text abbreviations. Many longer phrases are reduced to a few letters. For example, ASAP= as soon as possible; BTW= By the way among multiple others. Similarly, the spelling of words is also shortened e.g., Text=txt, because=becuz, school=schl, etc.

The effect of text abbreviations on communication skills

Although this system is creative and ingenious, it is gradually leaking into academic and professional sectors. Due to the habit of texting in abbreviations or shorthand, the communication skills of people are suffering greatly. As youngsters are so used to conversing with others informally, they have started to neglect the norms of formal communication. Both oral and written communication suffers due to this. While some young people start to speak in shorthand, others start writing in it.

Young people's use of text abbreviations in daily chats effects their communication skills
Credits: free pik []

Educators have raised concerns about the impact of text abbreviations on oral and written communication skills. The writing of many students has become poorer due to incorrect spelling. Similarly, their lack of knowledge about the proper formal writing process is affecting their overall expression. Some linguists, state that due to texting, the basic skills of using the English language are suffering (Lee, 2002).

A few students argue that text abbreviations help them in taking better notes. While this may be true, it also negatively affects their expression in formal written assignments. In short, even though the benefits of texting in abbreviations cannot be denied, it comes with a greater cost of the gradual loss of proper communication skills.

How to deal with the impact of text abbreviations on study habits

If you are a student like Sara and worried about the impact of text abbreviations on your study habits, you may utilize the following strategies to deal with it:

1. Be mindful while texting

Start by being mindful while texting someone. Try to reduce the urge to resort to shorthand or abbreviations. Instead, communicate using full sentences and phrases.

2. Review your work

Before submitting your academic assignments, check them for any errors in spelling and abbreviations.

3. Use Grammar check

Install a grammar check app on your phone and laptop such as Grammarly. So that if you unknowingly use abbreviations or shorthand in your assignments, they are underlined red and you can change them accordingly.

4. Use alternative modes for faster communication: Swipe, Voice notes, Predicted text, Dictionary

Instead of relying on abbreviated texting, look for other means to communicate faster. For example, you may use the swipe function on your keypad for quicker texting. You can use predicted text or a dictionary on your phone for forming quicker and grammatically correct messages. Similarly, voice notes are also a strategy to send your message entire in less time.

5. Take a formal writing class

To improve your communication skills, take a formal writing class. So that you can enhance your knowledge of the rules of English, and grammar and increase your vocabulary. Such a class will not only improve your spelling and expression, but it will also teach you tips for communicating your message using fewer words. For example, cutting extra sentences, using active voice, using one-word synonyms for longer phrases, etc.

Practice the above strategies daily. With time, your written and oral communication skills will surely improve 😊.  If you are a student and struggle with excessive phone usage, check out this article to learn how to manage it.

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