
Affirmations: What are they and how to use them

Javeria Shahid 1 year ago 29

A Quick Guide

Affirmations are powerful tools for cultivating a positive mindset and self-empowerment. This technique involves repeating positive statements to oneself, with the belief that it can help individuals achieve success in any endeavor they pursue. Here, we will explore what affirmations are, address any misconceptions or doubts about them, and provide guidance on how to effectively incorporate them into your daily routine.


The literal definition of Affirmation is the action or process of affirming something. It is common in today’s world to underestimate our abilities and let negativity take over our minds. Such thoughts and emotions can dominate our lives and damage our confidence, ultimately leading to self-esteem problems. They make us believe that we are incapable of accomplishing anything.

Positive affirmations can serve as a reminder of resilience in certain cases. They may also complement therapy if you are seeing a mental health provider. In cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), they can assist an individual in accepting reality and taking a more rational view of situations. Furthermore, incorporating positive affirmations into one’s routine has been demonstrated to improve stress management by promoting effective problem-solving in response to anxiety and stress.

History of Affirmations

Affirmations were first used in the West by French philosopher Rene Descartes in the 17th century. He is well-known for his statement, “Cogito, ergo sum” or “I think, therefore I am.” However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that affirmations started being used for personal development.

General views on affirmations 

There exists a certain negative perception surrounding the concept of affirmations. While it may feel uncomfortable to repeat statements like “you are beautiful” or “you are capable”, it’s important to recognize that the quick pace of modern life can sometimes cause us to overlook these fundamental truths. Despite feeling initially skeptical or even foolish while repeating these statements, it is worth noting that over time their impact can be significant.

Scientific Background 

According to the Self-affirmation theory developed by Claude Steele in 1988, positive affirmations can play a critical role in helping individuals maintain a sense of self-integrity by reinforcing their beliefs in a positive manner. As a result, scientists have conducted various empirical studies based on this theory to assess its effectiveness and applicability in real-world scenarios.


Utilizing positive affirmations can offer significant advantages in enhancing your overall well-being over time. Some of the positive effects include boosting self-esteem, managing stress, developing willpower and emotional resilience, fostering goal achievement, and self-love, and enhancing positive thinking, motivation, and optimism. Additionally, they can aid in breaking negative habits and uplifting one’s mood.

How to get started?

Using positive affirmations can be challenging, but there are no hard and fast rules to follow. Most people jot them down in a journal or recite them aloud. You can also customize your affirmations according to your own preferences. Some ways to get started are listed below:


If you do not feel comfortable with writing down or displaying your affirmations, visualization is an excellent alternative. Simply create phrases that are personal and effective for you, and practice them whenever you need to. To create a peaceful and meditative state, try picturing a calming scene along with these statements. There is no right or wrong way to do this, as long as the visualization and affirmations suit your needs and preferences.


Another way of using positive affirmations is reciting them. You can use this method at any moment. In front of the mirror, in your car on the way to work, or wherever you are, give yourself a little pep talk. According to Bathgate, begin your brief affirmation with the phrases “I am,” “I can,” or “I will,” and end it with a statement in the present tense. To ensure that the statement is something you can quickly recall and refer to when you are feeling down or in need of inspiration, it is best to keep it brief.


One effective method of incorporating positive affirmations into your daily routine is to write them down as visual aids. When crafting these statements for yourself, it’s important to write them in the present tense, focusing on the present and future rather than the past. It is recommended that you write the affirmations on cards or sticky notes and display them in visible places as a reminder.

Common affirmations to get started

While we have already established that there’s no right or wrong way to practice positive affirmations, here are a few common statements to get you started:

  • “ I am beautiful”
  • “ I am capable”
  • “ I am worthy of love and kindness”
  • “ I can achieve anything I put my mind to”
  • “ I am courageous”
  • “ I am grateful”
  • “ I am loved”
  • “ I am confident”
  • “ I am enough”
  • “ I am proud of myself”
  • “ I am worthy of happiness”
  • “ I deserve happiness”
  • “ I deserve love and kindness”
  • “  I am powerful”
  • “ I am strong”
  • “ I am getting better and better every day” 
  • “ I believe in myself”
  • “ I radiate confidence”
  • “ I am safe and supported”
  • “ I love and accept myself”
  • “ Happiness is a choice I choose”
  • “ I am abundant”
  • “ I am successful”
  • “ I can achieve my goals”

Crafting affirmations that are tailored to your unique circumstances is crucial for their effectiveness. While the examples provided can be helpful, they may not resonate with everyone. Therefore, it’s recommended that you take the time to create your own affirmations that speak directly to your needs and aspirations. This way, you can achieve better results and a greater sense of empowerment.

Key takeaways

Using positive affirmations is an effective technique to replace negative self-talk with a more optimistic mindset and boost self-motivation. Starting affirmations can be a scary experience and it can go wrong quickly if not executed properly but it is also essential to know that you need to take the first step to get over the fear.

We hope you found this article useful in learning more about affirmations and how to get started.

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